Is Inequality Inevitable or Engineered?

Inequality is not something that just happens naturally—it is engineered. While people are born with different abilities and make different choices in life, the huge gap between the rich and the poor today is created by systems and actions designed to favor a few while leaving others behind.  

Take Bangladesh, for example. Corruption happens here in obvious ways, but it’s not just our country—corruption exists everywhere more or less. We cannot simply ignore this with the excuse 'failure of governance'. A small group of powerful people often grow richer and stronger by taking away the rights of others. This forces many people into crime just to survive or to fight back against the unfair system. This system affects horribly on their life, behaviour and actions resulting the society even more inequal, ensuring the vicious cycle to grow stronger.

Countries like Korea (colonized by Japan, which is also an example of setting up the inequality) shined in many fields after they got independence, but failed to control or ensure social security, mental well being etc. Developed countries like Korea and many more failed to control high suicide rate, caused by the immense depression, struggle and sufferings general people went through, and these are the byproduct of the practice of inequality.

My reply will be 'YES' while answering the question, 'Am I saying that inequality is inevitable but its persistence is engineered? ' Because some degrees of inequality can come from natural differences like talents, by born advantages, personal choice and many more. But the extreme inequality we witness today isn’t natural, rather it’s a planned set up, built by people in power who want to stay on top. They control resources, education, policies, and opportunities, leaving the rest of us to struggle.

Countries that work to reduce inequality, like through fair taxes, better education, and equal opportunities, have shown that change is possible. The severe inequality we see today is not inevitable—it’s encouraged and built by those who benefit from it. If we want a fairer world, we need to be conscious, stand up and change the system.

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