Hypatia, The Beacon of Knowledge

Women today are becoming aware of their rights, they are now standing up against injustice. But from how long has the history of  deprivation been going on?  We all know the answer,  from the beginning of creation.

Let's go back thousands of years without going so far back, when the Bengalis were called anarya race. The situation of women in developed countries was also so bad that they were considered as personal property. There was no right to education, no right to elect a president. Because the patriarchal society of that time was reluctant to give women the honor of being citizens.

One and a half thousand years ago, in Alexandria Hypatia born, who was a  brilliant mathematician, a successful physicist, a talented astronomer and the head of the neoplatonic philosophy. At a time when a woman had no right to education, Hypatia was a beacon of knowledge. And for this crime, she was brutally killed by fanatical Christians.  Where the social position of women in such a  developed country like Alexandria was like this, the position of women in underdeveloped countries cannot be imagined.

With the change of time, people have learned to understand that the overall development of the country is not possible by keeping half of the population behind. It is no longer unknown that how women have been deprived of Oscars year after year.

Begum Rakeya is called the pioneer of women's awakening. She worked for women's rights all her life. As a result of the seeds of women's education that she has sown, awareness has been created among women today. The rate of education in our country is increasing every year. Although women are equal to men in primary and secondary education, the rate in higher secondary and higher education is still  relatively low.

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